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Frances O’Brien: Unleashing The Power of the Unconscious Mind


As a certified Hypnotherapist, advanced Emotional Freedom Technique therapist, certified Life Coach, blogger, teacher, and author, Frances O’Brien, the sole proprietor of RelieveYourMind.com, has truly committed herself to helping people. 


I had the pleasure to connect with Frances via phone interview, and, indeed, even over the phone, I could clearly tell that many of her clients would quickly be drawn in by her warmth, charm, and welcoming nature. She has a natural, disarming presence, and as anticipated, you read the same sentiments in her testimonials and reviews. It’s always a pleasure to speak to and work with a client-centered professional, as that focus has interesting organic ways of appearing. Frances is definitely a client-centered therapist, and she has the sole objective of fitting the therapy to the client, not the other way around.


As one client shared:

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love, and patience you put into every session with me! I don’t know how I can ever repay the compassion you’ve shown me!” P.K., Panorama City.


Or as another client shared:

“I want to thank you very much for your help. You are empathetic, warm and welcoming. You have all the right stuff Frances.” E.H., Culver City 

Why Hypnotherapy

The first questions I had for her were: why hypnotherapy and why do you do what you do? 


“I became a hypnotherapist because, prior to that, I had an eating disorder. I’d tried various kinds of therapies, and nothing helped me. I didn’t know what else to do. When I saw a hypnotherapist, she was able to help me, so I realized how powerful hypnotherapy is. I decided to go to the same school that she’d attended, and I learned to become a hypnotherapist myself. That’s also where I learned Emotional Freedom Technique, and I’ve been using them both ever since.” 


Frances has become a lifelong student of her craft. She has a very impressive bio, including graduating from the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) with honors, and she has since taught several workshops there and in other locations. 


Frances has wholeheartedly dedicated herself to continuous study and research in the field of hypnotherapy, as well as other alternative and holistic healing methods. Her commitment is evident through the acquisition of over ten Continuing Education certificates, including Inner Child Healing and Medical Hypnosis.

Additionally, she’s trained in the powerful Scripting technique, which employs writing daily in a specific way in order to bring significant improvement to one’s life quickly, all-naturally, and easily.  It makes an excellent adjunct to the other techniques she utilizes with her clients.


When asked what she would say her most remarkable success is, she answered: 

“My most remarkable success is helping my clients achieve the lives they want to live. Whether that’s finding hope after loss, reducing stress, releasing negative thinking, sleeping better, healing one’s inner child, or anything else. My favorite, though, is helping people find hope after loss.” 


Hope After Loss is the title of her soon-to-be-released third book. When asked why someone who’s recently suffered a loss and is in the grieving process should consider contacting her, she answered:

“When somebody has experienced the death of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, a negative medical diagnosis, or anything that triggers grief, what traditionally happens is that their loved ones rally around them initially, but, after a few weeks or maybe a month, the grieving person is left alone to deal with their response to what happened on their own. I’m very comfortable going in there then and helping them to find the hope they need to thrive despite what happened.”


Asked if it’s a ‘grief program’ that she offers, she answered: 


“No, it’s not really a grief program. I use E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) and hypnotherapy to help people with their grief. Since the early 1980’s, I’ve been studying different ways of looking at death and mourning, different ways to deal with them, how to treat a person who’s dying, and how to be there for those who are grieving. I feel it’s a gift that was given to me.”




Frances O’Brien’s Dedication to Empower You and Help Relieve Your Mind


An Unforseen Turn


Frances enriches the lives of those who seek her help. With steadfast dedication, she commits herself to each client, fostering a bond of trust and offering profound support and healing. Her unrelenting pursuit of knowledge ensures that she remains at the forefront of the field of hypnotherapy and emotional well-being, continuously expanding her expertise to better serve those in need.

Frances’s compassionate spirit extends to those who have valiantly served our country through military service as well as first responders. As a heartfelt gesture of gratitude, she extends a generous 25% discount to them, acknowledging the sacrifices they have made for our nation and for those in need of help. This sincere act of appreciation further exemplifies her commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others.

What started as a search for help with an eating disorder, Frances’s path took an unforeseen turn, leading her to explore the profound potential of hypnotherapy. Her journey is not only touching, but also extraordinary and deeply inspiring. Today, as the founder of her private practice, her unyielding dedication to her clients has made her a revered and sought-after professional. With her genuine care, extensive knowledge, and unwavering support, she serves as a source of hope and transformation for all who cross her path.

To book an appointment with Frances, call/text her at 818-605-6566, or email frances@relieveyourmind.com. And you can learn more by reading Your Three Clicks and Achieving Tranquility.



Cliff Simon
